5 of the Best Bacteria-Eliminating Hand Soaps

What Is the Best Hand Soap?

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, there has been a significant drive in promoting handwashing, which is why we are going to talk about the best hand soap. Hand hygiene was only normalized in the 1940s and has since played an integral role in combating illness and disease.

You have likely been taught to wash your hands before handling food and after going to the bathroom. When washing your hands, you need to use hot water and soap. With so many soap products available, how do you know which one is the best?

Once you understand what hand soap is, why it is used and how to choose the best one, you will be able to choose from five of the best hand soaps.

What Is Hand Soap?

Scientifically, soap is created by mixing oils and fats with a base. These fats and oils then make grime and other dirt particles soluble, allowing them to be removed from the surface being washed. While you can just rinse your hands under hot water, it will not be as effective as using soap since many of the grime particles will not be broken down and removed.

The main kinds of soap you may find available for household use are liquid soaps and bar soaps. Bar soaps usually contain animal fats and plant oils that are blended with a strong alkali.

Liquid soaps, however, are usually petroleum based and require additional ingredients to maintain the liquid consistency. There have been many debates about which is better to use and some conclude that liquid soap is better because the soap remains “clean" until it is squeezed into your hand.

Why Do We Use Hand Soap?

It is estimated that the average person is likely to touch their face sixteen times per hour, totaling to 384 times per day. While this might seem trivial, you need to remember that your face is full of mucus-coated orifices that are perfect places for germs and bacteria to gather and multiply.

Washing your hands may not stop you from touching your face, but it reduces the germs and bacteria on your hands, which makes it less likely for you to fall ill. You touch many dirty surfaces between the times you touch your face, including door handles and your phone.

Using soap not only makes your hands clean and germ-free to protect yourself, but it can also help you protect others from infection. Washing your hands with soap reduces the number of germs you transfer to commonly touched surfaces, resulting in others picking up fewer germs when they touch those same surfaces. This can significantly reduce the spread of disease.

How to Choose a Hand Soap

Using soap is always more effective than not using soap. When you decide on the soap, you first need to consider the users. If you are choosing soap for home use and it is only for you and your family, a bar soap can be suitable.

With few hands touching it, it will not gather germs and bacteria as much as if it were in a public bathroom. If you are choosing soap for your office or school, liquid soap might be the more hygienic option.

Make sure the soap contains surfactants, as surfactants are what cause the soap to lather. The soap’s lather is what dissolves germs and bacteria, making them easier to remove from your skin.

If you are really determined to kill the germs, you may choose an antibacterial soap. Antibacterial soaps simply have an antibacterial ingredient that kills germs and bacteria on contact. It is not necessarily better to use antibacterial soap, as any soap that lathers is going to remove harmful germs and bacteria from your skin.

Dial Antibacterial Deodorant Soap

Dial Antibacterial Deodorant Soap is a bar soap that boasts antibacterial properties. The soap boasts a creamy lather and does not dry out your skin.

It is safe for frequent use and eliminates odor caused by bacteria.

The light fragrance allows you to feel fresh without being overpowering and ensures that the soap remains gentle on your skin. Some of the ingredients, including glycerin, help put moisture back into your skin, so it stays clean and protected.

Everyone Hand Soap

Everyone Hand Soap is a liquid hand soap that is free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. The soap is certified cruelty free, gluten free and it is environmentally friendly.

The organic ingredients ensure that your hands are kept clean, while protecting your skin from damage caused by harmful chemicals. The scents available are also designed with the power of aromatherapy, allowing you to choose a soap to brighten your mood every time you wash your hands.

Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap

Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap is made of borax, which is a naturally occurring compound and salt. Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap is different from other soaps in that it is a powder rather than a liquid or bar.

When you combine it with water to wash your hands, it dissolves grease and grime with ease. Since borax, the main ingredient is naturally occurring, this soap does not leave a fatty residue or cause harm to septic systems.

Sea Salt and Amalfi Lemon Hand Soap

Sea Salt and Amalfi Lemon Hand Soap is a biodegradable soap that contains extra virgin olive oil for maintaining the skin’s natural moisture. The entire product is environmentally friendly, made with ethically sourced ingredients, as well as a recyclable bottle.

The natural ingredients are gentle on your skin, while the combination of sea salt and lemon makes it easier to clean kitchen grease off your hands.

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap is great for the bathroom or the kitchen and it moisturizes as you wash so that your skin can stay soft. Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap has a light scent, leaving your hands smelling nice while removing germs and bacteria.

The soap is also dermatologically tested, so you can rest assured that only the best and most effective ingredients are used. Your skin can be cleaned and refreshed while still retaining their regular moisture levels.

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