Would a Robot Vacuum be Helpful in Your Home? Find Out!

Let the Robots Clean for You

The very first robot vacuum was invented in 1996. It has taken several years for companies to perfect the performance of the robot vacuum. Early models had issues colliding with objects and leaving small areas uncleaned. Today, there are many models and types of robot vacuums you can choose from.

There are several different models and brands of robot vacuums that range greatly in price. The more money you are willing to spend, the better the features your robot vacuum will have.

Here's the robot vacuum guide you need to decide whether this IoT device is right for you and which to purchase.


Robot vacuums can be extremely helpful. One function the robot vacuum offers is a regular customizable cleaning schedule. You can program your robot vacuum to run every day at a specific time, or to only run on certain days. This makes it easier to keep your floors clean on a regular basis without any extra work on your part.

Another benefit the robot vacuum offers is that it can vacuum under furniture and in places that are difficult to reach. How often do you vacuum under your bed? Probably not very often if you have a regular vacuum cleaner. Robot vacuums can fit under all types of furniture making it easier for you to keep your floors clean.

Some robot vacuums have a spot cleaning function if there is a spill or another mess in a particular area. The spot cleaning function on your robot vacuum will focus on a specific area that you direct it to rather than the entire house.

People with tile or hardwood flooring can really benefit from using a robot vacuum. When dirt and crumbs get tracked on tile or hardwood flooring, it’s very noticeable when you are barefoot compared to carpet. When you have a robot vacuum that can run on a regular schedule, it helps keep this mess off the floor, so you don’t have to sweep every day.


As with any product or gadget, there are some downsides to using a robot vacuum. Whether you’re running a traditional vacuum or a robot vacuum, you must vacuum-proof your house before you begin. This involves picking up any objects that are on the floor so they don’t get stuck in the vacuum.

When you use a traditional vacuum, you can pick these items up as you go, or you can choose to vacuum around them. With a robot vacuum, you have to keep your home vacuum-proofed any time you know the robot vacuum is going to run. If you aren’t home when the vacuum runs, you might miss picking something up.

Another problem with robot vacuums is they sometimes get stuck or wedged underneath furniture. If your vacuum gets stuck every time you use it, it’s not helping you. You will spend more time trying to locate the vacuum so you can return it to it’s charging base than perhaps you would have spent doing the job yourself.

When the robot vacuum’s battery starts getting low, the device is supposed to return automatically to the charging base. Sometimes they run out of time and can’t find their way home before the battery dies. It doesn’t require much effort for you to return the vacuum to its base, but if you have to do this on a regular basis, you may find yourself wishing you didn’t have to do it.

Since robot vacuums are smaller, the capacity of debris they can hold is minimal. The robot vacuum won’t be able to pick up everything, so another con is that you will still need to vacuum using a traditional vacuum.

What to Consider Before Purchasing a Robot Vacuum

The first thing you want to consider before purchasing a robot vacuum is whether you really need one. Most of the time, a traditional vacuum will clean better and offers extra hoses and nozzles that fit into tight spaces. However a robot vacuum might be beneficial for you if you run a busy household or spend a lot of time at work. Only you can answer the question  as to whether you really need one or not.

Another factor you want to consider is how big your home is. Someone who lives in a smaller home won't need to spend as much money on a robot vacuum as someone who lives in a larger home. If the vacuum needs to cover a bigger area, you might find you need to spend more money for a nicer robot vacuum.

The type of flooring in your home is important when you are picking out a robot vacuum. There are robot vacuums specifically made for carpet, hardwood, tile, and some can cover all surfaces.

You can also choose to purchase a robot vacuum that you can control with a remote or an app on your phone. A vacuum with these features will cost extra, so it will be important to set a budget and stick to it. Knowing the different price points of all types and models of robot vacuums will help you come up with a budget.

Before you decide to spend the money on a robot vacuum, make sure you understand that it will not completely replace your traditional upright vacuum cleaner. They are helpful machines around the house, but they may not be right for every home.

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