Keep Your House Clean and Your Baby Safe With These Products

Baby Safe Cleaning Products for Your Home

If you’ve got kids you’ll know that keeping your house clean is a constant battle. Just when you think you’ve got it all under control there are dirty hand marks on your nice clean windows! With that in mind, keeping your house both clean and baby safe becomes very important.

Some cleaning products are best avoided if you have young children around. Things like bleach, acids, and products with toxins in them, such as Roundup, all go into the unsafe pile.

So how do you keep your house clean and baby safe? We're here to review some of the best baby safe cleaning products to help put your mind at ease.

All Purpose Cleaner

When you’ve got dirty footprints and grubby hands getting everywhere, a good all purpose cleaner is your best friend. Many of the most popular ones on the market do contain harsh chemicals and toxins, and some even contain bleach.

In general, go for eco-friendly cleaners, which normally feature natural ingredients such as baking soda, lemon, and essential oils.

Greenshield Organic is a great option with a fresh lemon scent. It’s also very reasonably priced and contains only natural ingredients, so you don’t need to worry about little hands touching the newly cleaned surfaces.

Ecover are one of the biggest international brands in economically sounds cleaning, and their household cleaner is also a good option. Their multi surface cleaner and limescale removers are both kind to kids and the environment, making them a great choice when it comes to baby safe cleaning products.


Since laundry detergent sits close to the skin we can easily get a bad reaction from the ingredients it contains. Even adults sometimes get rashes or skin irritations from some laundry detergents. But with babies not being the cleanest of eaters, you’re going to have a lot of laundry to do, so what is the most effective option?

Both Greenshield Organic and Ecover have baby friendly laundry detergents at reasonable prices. You can also take a look also at ECOS, who have a baby safe range. All of their products are made of entirely natural ingredients and are perfect for sensitive skin, no matter what age.

For fabric softener, ECOS and Ecover have a great range of naturally scented options.

Dish Soaps

Dinner time gets extra messy with kids around, so a good dish soap is essential.

Once again, Ecover have this covered (they are the leading international brand for chemical free cleaning). They have both dishwasher tablets and liquid dish cleaner.

Seventh Generation natural dish cleaner is often featured in the ‘best of’ lists for most effective dish cleaners. It’s sulfite-free, made from all natural ingredients, and performs well with dirty dishes.

Mrs Meyers Clean Day dish soap is also a favorite, winning many accolades for its effectiveness and eco-friendly credentials.

DIY Cleaning Products

If you’re looking to keep things cost effective, eco-friendly, and affordable, then you’ll find plenty of options using household ingredients.


The humble lemon gives both a great fresh scent and is also a highly effective cleaning product. Use lemon juice to clean your oven or microwave, remove stains from pots and pans, freshen up household trash bins, and clean chopping boards and cooking surfaces.

Here’s a trick: save your lemon and citrus peels and pop them in a jar. When your jar gets over half full, top it up with plain white vinegar. Leave it to infuse somewhere cool and dark for two weeks, then strain it into a spray bottle. You’ll have a cheap, effective, and nice smelling all purpose cleaner!

Baking Soda

This cupboard staple is great for removing stubborn dirt. You can add baking soda to your laundry to get rid of stains, use it to clean greasy dishes, remove mold or mildew from walls or fabric, get rid of grease from grills, and brighten up metals such as silver or copper.


Although vinegar is a great cleaning product, it does have one problem: its smell. Use a neutral vinegar such as white or cider vinegar for best results.

Vinegar can be used to remove bath and shower grime, clean windows, and unclog drains (used with 50/50 baking soda). You can also use it to kill weeds and grass (no need for roundup), remove stains from fabrics or carpets, use in place of wax for wooden floors and tiles, and as a general stain remover for dishes.

Castile Soap

This might not be a standard in your household yet, but this gentle and natural soap is very useful to have around. It’s made from vegetable oils and is a versatile cleaner, ideal for use on dishes, clothes, carpets, and just around the home.

Overall Advice

There is a whole world of eco-friendly and baby safe cleaning products out there. Of course, just because they’re safe doesn’t mean you want little hands getting a hold of them. Always keep cleaning products out of reach of children and locked up securely. If children do get into cleaning products, seek medical advice immediately.

But, by using these baby friendly products and techniques, you’ll avoid the possibility of allergies or skin irritations and do your bit for the environment, too!

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